Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Enough To Be On Your Way...

...So sue me for posting twice in one day.

I'm in quite a "state" today. Quite emotional. I think I'm "releasing" the emotions and stuff and things and crap I've been cramming in to my body all these years. No wonder my corporal self and I have a crappy relationship. Seriously. My body and I have NOT always been friends. When I treat it like a toxic waste dump (figuratively AND literally) I'd say no wonder.

I would have to say the it's just in the last couple years I've gone from "truce" to "detente" to "peaceful co-existence" with my own physical self. The yoga practice is inviting a reconciliation. My mantra while practicing is "I trust you" "I love you" "We are one". So now I am getting the emotions back...the ones I've "stored" (read stuffed). 'Bout time I think.

The next step is to learn to dance.

Now...more music.

This could be my favorite James Taylor song. It is from his superb 1997 album "Hourglass" (followed in 2002 by the inexplicably dumb "October Road"). I read an interview where he said the song was actually about a brother of his who died. He changed the gender of the subject (I guess to make it "lay" better lyrically...or to "anony-mize" it a little), and a couple of the details, but by and large it is a terrific meditation on life. The kind of thing that Taylor does really well when he does it well.

So here it is with a great Mark O'Connor fiddle intro and some YoYo Ma cello in there too.


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