Friday, February 16, 2007

I Love The Blogs!

I just spent a good couple hours transferring the sexy sexy bolgs that I like over to my secure location.

I just love sex, I love sexy people, and I love to read what the write about themselves and their experiences.

I wasn't always so comfortable in my sexuality. I spent decades being repressed, depressed, obsessed and surpressed. Cripes...what an awful existence. But a couple things happened. I got a divorce. At the time it was the absolute worst thing I could think of. Now I know how enslaved I was then and how liberating it was and is to be free. We have kids together and I can see her now with no remorse or recrimination or anything. NOT AT ALL how I felt then.

The second thing was vitamin v. I don't care whether I had a brain problem or a plumbing problem...I had trouble with my cock and your pussy all my life. With and without the S.O., sometimes I was comfortable and got the schwerve on and sometimes not. won't work if I'm really tired, or sometimes when I fill up on greasy food.

I love to fuck. My sweet little slut (she was pretty innocent when I got hold of IS quite the little slut. yummmmm) loves to fuck too and we do a lot. Middle age sexy sex.

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