Tuesday, August 7, 2007

You Can Have Me Anytime...

..one of my favorite Boz Scaggs songs.

On his GREAT album "Middle Man" the guitar solo was played by Carlos Santana. A VERRRY Carlos solo that still (30 years later) rips my heart apart in 24 measures.

Boz is very big in Japan and this was recorded there (isn't YouTube GREAT? I mean REALLY!). This guitar guy does fine. A great song is a great song is a great song.

So I saw an "escort" again Sunday night. Late. Too late. After running really, really hard all day. It was...well I was "a dud". We had a good time anyway. She was described by another "hobbyist" as a nut. And so she is. A GILF (you'd be surprised at how many there are), a fixture in the community, really fun to be with. But I wanted to fuck...needed to fuck...and it just wasn't going to happen. Of course when I woke up Monday morning everything was at attention. Wonderful. I'm working on the dating sites; AFF, maybe Chemistry.com and a local alternative paper. Nobody's beating the door down for a horny old old guy. One with mad skillz but they don't know that. Oh well...my job to ed-ja-ma-cate 'em, huh?


Trueself said...

Well, geez, if you didn't live way on the other side of the country. . .

Al Laddin said...

Flirt, flirt, flirt, flirt, flirt!

Maybe I can find that Robert Palmer tune on YouTube (hint, hint).

Shit...for the amount of $$ I'm spending I could have visited you guys a COUPLE times already.